
This is a website to show off the glory of the small lakeside town Otematata.

Otematata is a lovely small little popular holiday destination. Otematata was originally built as a base for the workers on what is now a major hydro station, Benmore Damn back in the 60s. It has since grown in popularity due to its rugged peaks and picturesque looking lakes as a summer holiday location for people living in the south island of New Zealnd. Otematata itself is a very quiet town with only one local shop in the form of an On-the-Spot dairy but it has everything you need I assure you. Its roads and streets lined with gravel on the sides giving you that country sort of feeling.

picture of the otematata pub

Otematata and water sports go hand-in-hand. It is one of the perfect spots togo for a water ski while getting to see some lovely views at the same time with a large majority of Lake Benmore being surrounded by mountains giving it a gorge type feel when you are on the water. Jumping in isn't for the faint hearted though as the water that you would be swimming in is coming from the glaciers on New Zealands largest mountain Mt Cook, but thats enough about the lakes.

panoramic picture of the main road into otematata
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